Friday, March 1, 2013


Okay so I am waving the white flag.  My bad, at the new year I said something like... "Bring on 2013, there's no way it can be anything like 2012".  I really thought a several month battle with severe infant allergies, a run in with cancer and all of the other 2012 craziness couldnt be topped! 
Well the past 3 weeks alone we've come mighty close.  It started with a child birth followed by emergency surgery, 5 days later a 911 call and another 5 days l later the hospitalization of my 10 day old son.  As I sit up nursing my baby, reflecting on it all here on March first.  This is what I am thinking.... This  happens to be the month of my 10 year wedding anniversary.  I can't help but think " okay Satan if you're trying to create adversity, youve only reinforced or made stronger our bond, and although you have your tiny moments of victory when I am overcome with fear for my sons next breath; it is not you who I cry out to for help and strength.  It is Jesus.  So you still lose.  You will always be a loser. So you may as well go pick on someone else because Im already taken.  That is all.