It's been a while and I really have had the best intentions of sharing pictures from our Christmas Vacation, or talking about the things I plan to do or improve on this year... the typical blog topics that are fun to share this time of year. I still plan to do those because part of keeping a blog is like a journal to document the highlights of the year... or week or whatever...
However, today somethings have come to weigh out heavier on my heart and quite frankly require more immediate attention. I am referring to the crisis that an earthquake has brought on in Haiti. I won't lie, the first 36 hours or so, I'd see things coming across the wire (Twitter or Facebook) but was kind of out of touch and had no grasp of the gravity of the situation. I hadn't turned on the television in a couple days, and really hadn't seen any footage. Then wednesday night Mike was telling me about the number of people projected to be dead and I became aware. I did some Google-ing and took a look at a series of photos my cousin posted on twitter and realized the devastation. It's horrifying; and I could only think: these folks are really in need... How many of their medical facilities collapsed? How many people can't even FIND their loved ones? There are so many questions yet to be answered... and many will go unanswered for a while.....
Something that brought saddness to my heart was in a comment string of 600 or more after one article I read was filled with comments like "Where is your God now?" "Don't pray, it's a waste of your time" and "Some God you have"
Let's be open here, how could one
not have questions like this in the midst of such a horrific and devastating situation? How are the people of faith supposed to respond?? Obviously not by insinuating that these people made a pact with the devil and are now the product of God's wrath... yikes... even
if there were any truth to that, it cannot be proven nor does it matter.
What matters most is how we respond...
Outwardly, we can respond with an out pouring of love, prayer and generosity. These actions are absoultely necessary for the help and continued healing of the people of this region.
But how are we supposed to respond Inwardly? What are we supposed to think... what role did God have in this and why did he allow this to happen?
I'd like to share a couple thoughts and experiences I have had:
As I was thumbing through a devastating series of pictures, I felt sad and helpless. In that same seires of pictures, I also saw strangers helping strangers, and cavalries from around the world suiting up to go help. Thousands of people from the nations of the world willing to face disease and devastation, blood and saddness to blindly help the poorest, most oppressed nation in the western hemisphere... not knowing where they will sleep or what they will eat while selflessly coming to the aid of those in need. Whether they made this decision in the name of God or in the name of Humanity, I see pure beauty. Seeing many willing to make such a sacrifice provoked emotion in me.... the outpouring of generosity too is beautiful, because not all of us can physically go and help.
But what about the whole God thing?
Well, I cannot speak for God, but I and take a look how in relationship and through his word he has revealed to me that he
is trustworthy. He is trustworthy in that he has fulfilled every single promise he has ever made to us. He came here to show us his love for us (Jn3:16) and he promises that he will always be with us "to the end of the age" (Mt28:20, Heb13:5)
He gives us hope and reassures us that he is in complete control in Jn 16:33
When he says:
"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"
So in times like these, I am saddened by the happenings of the broken world that we live in and the hurt that surrounds us. But, I am thankful that I have a God that I can seek peace and find refuge. A God that helps me to keep things in perspective of this short life and an everlasting future with him to set my eyes upon. It is that very future that drives me to make the best of this life and share what I have and what has been revealed to me with those I am privleged to walk through this world with.