Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Loneliness, a thought for the day...

It's no secret that moving here at the time we did has resulted in a much more challenging environment to gain traction in the Decorative Art world.. My reaction to that has been to invest the time I have in building and nurturing relationships. A lot of times, I meet with another professional, we discuss in depth the services we provide and how our referrals can compliment eachother. Valuable time spent professionally, and as a bonus some of these relationships have evolved into friendships which I am greatful for!
Since moving here, however, my eyes have been opened to an entire world of hurting people that many of us forget about in the busyness of our day to day. I have encountered so many people who have really no one or very few people in their lives. I come from a huge family and have been blessed with friends that have stayed with me through every stage of my life. Now and then I get to feeling sorry for myself because I am home a lot by myself... and am reminded not to take for granted the wonderful and loving people I do have in my life!
I commit myself to be there for people who need a friend, or an ear. It's simple, we all know someone (often times elderly, but there are lonely and sad people in every age group) who could use a visit or a phone call. Who do you know that needs a visit? Instead of expecting someone else to... pick the phone.
The word of God tells us over and over again that God never leaves our side. Not only is that comforting, but it also helps to keep me accountable. My Uncle Jim once said something very simple and wise... don't do anything you wouldn't do if you knew that Jesus was right there in the room with you... because he is.

Just a couple of thoughts for the day! Have a good one :)


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