We've been back for several days... I haven't gotten around to posting... Here we go!
On the day before ThanksGiving Mike and I headed out to Dallas for the night (about a 5 hour Drive)
After a short night's sleep we headed over to DFW. 2 Flights later we landed in San Jose Costa Rica where Mike's parents picked us up from the airport.
We stayed in a hotel for 2 nights and then on the way to head up to the vacation rental house we stopped at a zoo for a quick walk. After the zoo we stopped at for lunch. Sometime during lunch a theif or two broke into the Rental car that we were riding in with mike's parents. They took 4 bags... 3 of them belonged to Mike and I one to his Mom. Kind of a buzz kill... time has passed and I have now told this story to a couple dozen people so I may seem even tempered now... however Mike and I were both beyond angry and all other sorts of emotional.
We went back to Sanjose, Waited 'til monday to get a new passport for Mike. Then stood by staying in hotels at a not so cheap rate until we were finally able to go home.
Costa Rica is a very beautiful place. I think it was an attractive place to go because it was affordable... however I felt that they have caught on to tourism. In many places they did not place rates in plain view... my opinion... so they could charge tourists extra. 2 of 3 cabs that we took did not turn the meter on.
No one in the US Embassy spoke English until you some how found the counter for american citizens... there were also no signs in english pointing you in the right direction. Once you got to the window the guy said "was your passport stolen too?" Pretty much his opening line for every american... HMMM what does that mean?
However although we were frustrated and whatever else... we, along the way heard and witnessed much worse travelers stories. One guy was stuck there over a year after getting mugged. Think about it no proof of ID... no money for an airfare ticket? You need money to BUY a replacement passport!
We came back home to a home that we realize by the world's standards is luxurious. We are greatful and feel blessed.
I have no desire to leave this great country or spend tourist dollars in another for some time. I have no intention of holding anyone else back... I just don't have any desire to go far for many days any time soon. Call me a home body I don't care.
The End
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