This year, instead of trying to cut bad habits out of my life and diet; I decided to focus on 2 things that I want to do and get better at.
The first of my challenges to myself is to try and get up earlier on a regular basis. Probably hard to relate to if you're not in my exact position. I have been building relationships, laying the foundations for referrals, working on my own house and volunteering my time here and there. However in my postion being a self-employed non-morning-person, this has become a problem and I have to work on it. So far since New Years, I have made little improvement... maybe I need to schedule some morning things to make me accountable. (Please don't put me in a category of Lazy people because I wake up late, I DO work hard.)
The second of my challenges is to be Bolder for God this year than last. What I want to do is take that next uncomfortable step of faith and set myself apart as a lover of God and a Christ Follower more so than last year or the year before. As I have mentioned before, committing to do this once is not enough, we need to re-commit our hearts to God everyday. In this journey, we realize there is always room for improvement, and more we can do.
I don't want to miss out on opportunities to share the Love of God with someone who is thirsty and a complete stranger to it. I fail all of the time: sometimes, I am just a coward and choose to blend in with the rest of the world, sometimes I am focused on myself and don't realize I missed someone screaming for help until it's too late. I want to do that less this year.
I also am open to suggestions on how to approach people who use God's name in vain. How do you go about this without sounding self-righteous?
"You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name"Deut 4:11
This being the 3nd commandment... God is clearly saying this is equal to if not worse than Murder, Lies, Stealing and Adultery. In my commitment to being bold for God, this is something that I don't want to look the other way at any longer.
"Blessed are those who hear the word... and obey"Lk 11:28
Find the blessings in your day!